Thursday, March 10, 2011

random update and screenshots

The shaman's coming along decently well. She hit level 70 two days ago, and yesterday was a write-off as far as Wow playing goes. Having podcasts to listen to helps a ton with my boredom levels with this content I've done 5 times now. Merlin knows what I'm going to do when I hit my 5th alt going through Cataclysm and really can't vary my zones or ways of leveling as much. After all, I need to do most of Deepholm on all my toons till they make the shoulder enchants boa, which leaves me with the choices of Vashjir vs Hyjal and Uldum vs Twilight Highlands, and those end up being determined as much by rep rewards as anything else. Note to self: look up casting shaman gear rep rewards so I know where I should be going before I hit 80.

In other news, I am still pondering identity. I've always thought of Lyl as a healer. She was leveled mainly as a healer, started raiding as a healer, and being shadow came along later. But since Cat hit, well, she's shadow 99% of the time. I've had guildies forget I have a healing spec until a healer goes down and I start spamming Greater Heal to keep a tank up till the battle rez comes in. This doesn't bother me so much as it confuses me. In my head, Lyl's a healer. If I wanted a dps, I'd have leveled Garetia, but I leveled Lyl cause she's a healer. I understand where my guildies are coming from, after all I'm the only priest in guild with a dps spec and a healing spec. We have 3 other priests, but two are shadow only, and the other's disc/holy.

This came up because we have main spec vs offspec rolls, and I have no idea which spec is main anymore. Given the competition for dps cloth, my guess would be that I should go with healing since there's no cloth healer in my raid, but then I'm competing with 3 other healers for trinkets and things, and they'll get more use out of them than I will. Plus, that puts me last for dps trinkets and the like. I plan to ask the raid lead tonight which he'd rather have me do.

And now for screenshots... first, my antidote to a sinus headache...

Then we have a cool moment on my way to a raid...

Yet another warrior attempt, this one with an obscure and (to me at least) amusing name...

Proof that you can get the Hyjal quest achieve without playing the really annoying Joust game...

Because they're pretty....

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